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Youthlaw @ Ballarat Community Health is a Health Justice Partnership which provides legal assistance to people aged 25 years and under, and provides resources, training and tailored consultations to youth workers/other allied health workers working with young people in the Ballarat and Central Highlands region.
Youthlaw @ Ballarat Community Health is here to support and build youth workers' capacity to identify legal issues (and resources) so they can better support young people they work with and improve related health outcomes for young people.
If you are a youth worker/other allied professional who works with young people aged up to 25, Youthlaw @ Ballarat Community Health can provide information, presentations and tailored consults to individual workers and to teams about identifying and assisting young clients who have legal issues.
Examples of topics we can provide information on/present on, include:
  • Using a legal health check to identify legal needs at intake
  • Legal referral pathways for young clients (sources of free or cheap legal advice)
  • Sharing young people's health information with third parties (eg privacy, consent, disclosure issues)
  • How to help young people with specific legal issues (eg, fines, police powers, family violence)
  • Supporting a young person at Court/writing support letters
  • New laws impacting young people you work with

Additional topics are available on request.

Please contact Sophie Ellis at or for more information/to arrange training.